Monday, April 16, 2012

Household Tools

Glasses or bottles filled with a liquid with light behind it


Objects With a Shine

Inside a Closet

Messy Desk

The Street

Looking Through a...

The Bathroom

The Kitchen Sink

Looking Around the Corner

A Messy Drawer, Partly Open

In the Mirror

Sunday, February 12, 2012

This painting is of a white shirt with a scarf. What the teachers intentions were for this painting was to stop trying to make everything so detailed. This was my intention as well in the painting and I feel that I have in fact met this intention. My painting was about trying to do it in a quick amount of time, but still having it to look like the object that is being painted. My favorite part about this piece would be the scarf, but the least favorite is the hanger. I did surprise myself at how well I did without it looking completely different than what the object really was. What I would like to improve is how fast I paint. Also, what I learned from this painting that I can use in the future is that not everything has to be so detailed.